Virtual College and digital literacy at Julio Gutiérrez Solari educational institution, El milagro - 2014


  • Alexis Enrique Poma Vargas Gobierno Regional de La Libertad, Perú


Virtual School, Digital Literacy, Educational institution


This paper aims to make the proposed installation of a Virtual School which improve digital literacy in students of the educational institution n ° 80081 Julio Gutiérrez Solari , which is located in the Centro Poblado El Milagro, distrito de Huanchaco , achieving perform change management through virtual school and Digital Literacy, for which a questionnaire to students apply , interview and two guides , one for teachers and parents another project; why interesting results are seen as acceptance. Non experimental method and the purposeful and transectional was also used. This work aims to be a great contribution to education in innovative ways for which it provides conclusions and actionable recommendations to be applied not only in the institution but at national, regional and local levels.



How to Cite

Poma Vargas, A. E. (2015). Virtual College and digital literacy at Julio Gutiérrez Solari educational institution, El milagro - 2014. UCV-Scientia, 7(1), 27–32. Retrieved from




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