Innovative policy towards knowledge management in the UCLA


  • Blas Menda Zerpa Colegio Universitario Fermín Toro, Venezuela
  • Arsenio Pérez Pérez Universidad Centroccidental “Lisandro Alvarado”,Venezuela
  • Mauro Hernández Universidad Centroccidental “Lisandro Alvarado”,Venezuela
  • Beatriz Garcia Universidad Centroccidental “Lisandro Alvarado”,Venezuela


Innovation, Knowledge, Technology, Higher education, Public policy


This essay offers different approaches to authors suggest criteria in the work of man in reference to innovative drive that characterizes modern societies and free market commonly. It is an overview of some proposals immersed in the creative process of man, not only as a linear process, as argued for decades, but overlook some new spaces associated with the process of design, construction and opening of other markets for goods and services. However, the innovation process involves coupled a process of creative destruction with consequent range of problems of various kinds: labor, social, consolidated market deterioration, loss of employment by the advent of new technologies, new forms of social organization, between others. Locally pointing midwestern University Lisandro Alvarado (UCLA), leading institution of higher education in the central west of the country, as being a guide to undertake projects for technology transfer and innovation processes with other subjects of economic and social endeavor



How to Cite

Menda Zerpa, B., Pérez Pérez, A., Hernández, M., & Garcia, B. (2014). Innovative policy towards knowledge management in the UCLA. UCV-Scientia, 6(1), 79–83. Retrieved from



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