Proposal three archaeological conservation areas affected human activity and environmental conditions in Santiago de Cao – La Libertad 2011-2013


  • Magali Ysabel Gutierrez Yepez
  • Edward Franco Valdez Rodriguez
  • Federico Gonzales Veintimilla
  • Quetzal SAC


Conservation, Archeology, Impact of anthropic activity, Environmental condition


The purpose of this research was to determine the level of involvement of three archaeological áreas by human activities and environmental factors in district of Santiago de Cao, three samples were taken for each archaeological site, which analyzed fragments of adobe mud mortar and other textiles, using a conductivity measurement and a laptop EXTECH PH model 50 to determine the pH and salinity in selected samples documented a high level and pH 8.9 with 205 ppm salts, which excedes permisible limits (8.5 pH and 200 ppm/sales). Besides the three archaeological areas are impacted negatively by human activity by the looters, agricultural land (sugarcane cultivation), irrigation channels damaging archaeological sites. Based on the results of the research, will be used standards such as the General Law of Cultural Heritage No.:28296, General Environmental Law 28611, for your protection as Cultural Patrimony of the Nation and its natural environment and the guidelines Letters based in Athens, Venice, Burra, it was implemented a conservation proposal of three archaeological sites located district of Santiago de Cao - LaLibertad.



How to Cite

Gutierrez Yepez, M. Y., Valdez Rodriguez, E. F., Gonzales Veintimilla, F., & Quetzal SAC. (2014). Proposal three archaeological conservation areas affected human activity and environmental conditions in Santiago de Cao – La Libertad 2011-2013. UCV-Scientia, 6(1), 42–49. Retrieved from

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