About the Journal


Communicate and promote knowledge of the original and unpublished works of national and international researchers in all fields of knowledge.

Objective of the journal

The purpose of the journal is the communication and promotion of knowledge as a result of scientific research in all fields of knowledge that is cultivated at the University and in other institutions.

Focus and scope

UCV-Scientia is a semi-annual scientific publication of the Graduate School of the César Vallejo University, Lima Norte campus. The journal is aimed at all national and international researchers and consists of sections such as: original research, scientific essays, review articles, case studies, bibliographic reviews and letters to the editor.

The works received for the journal must be original and unpublished, these and are evaluated by members of the Editorial Committee and external referees, according to criteria of creativity, originality and contribution to scientific, technological and innovation knowledge.

The entire article should have an average length of 10 to 15 pages, not including references. The article can be delivered to the editor electronically, attaching a certificate of originality of articles (download), detailing that the article has not been submitted (either totally or partially) for publication or for evaluation in another journal; In addition, the author(s) must assign the copyright to the journal, after the article has been accepted for publication.

The manuscript can be submitted through the OJS system or to the following electronic address: revistaucv-scientia@ucv.edu.pe


UCV-Scientia is published every six months in the months of July and December of each year. Manuscripts are received at any time of the year, no specific times have been established for the delivery of writings for their possible publication.