Addition of aloe vera gel as a replacement for superplasticizer in self-compacting concrete f’c = 280 kg/cm2




Self-compacting concrete, Fluidity, Viscosity, Compression


The main objective of this research work focuses on determining the effect of adding aloe vera gel as a replacement for superplasticizer in self-compacting concrete f’c = 280 kg/cm2. The present research work is considered according to the type
of data, it is of a quantitative approach and a quasi-experimental design with a scientific, hypothetical-inductive method, and of a correlational level. For the investigation, 3 designs of self-compacting concrete were carried out, including the standard sample with superplasticizer additive and the replacement additions of aloe vera gel, where the tests of physical characteristics in the fresh state, fluidity and passage capacity were carried out. The evaluation of the mechanical property to the hardened state, compression resistance was also carried out. In addition, the significant incidence (Sig. <0.001) of the direction by values in the implementation of the process was found through the ANOVA with the SPSS program. It is concluded that the addition of aloe vera gel does not have a greater incidence with respect to the superplasticizer additive in self-compacting concrete considering the expansion flow, viscosity and passage capacity, in terms of compressive strength of aloe vera gel additions. they exceed the specific compressive strength, but fail to overcome the standard strength. Of the percentage of additions, the highest performance was 3% with 448 kg/cm2.

Keywords: Self-compacting concrete, fluidity, viscosity and compression.


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How to Cite

Peñaranda Tavera, F. F., & Reynoso Oscanoa, J. (2023). Addition of aloe vera gel as a replacement for superplasticizer in self-compacting concrete f’c = 280 kg/cm2. UCV Hacer, 12(3), 66–82.



Research Articles