Positive Reinforcement in Coping with Couple Separation: Case Study, Chiclayo 2021





Coping Strategies, Positive Reinforcement, Couple Separation, Intra-subject, Experiment


Objective: Determine the effects of positive reinforcement in coping with couple separation: Case study, Chiclayo 2021. Method: An experimental investigation was carried out, with a type of single case within-subject design; Positive reinforcers were used in order to permanently change the negative behaviors generated from psychological abuse and separation from the couple. To know the coping strategies used by the patients, the Coping Strategies Inventory (CSI) was used, which was applied as a pretest and post test. Results: It was observed that the evaluated uses the emotional expression strategy with a higher frequency with a percentile of 85, which means that she focuses her attention on her emotions, which overwhelm her and does not allow her to focus her attention on cognitive restructuring to solve her problems. After the application of the program through positive reinforcers such as extinction of aversive behaviors, social reward, positive self-image and self-concept, dialogue with family and friends, social interaction, informative feedback and strategic changes of thought and action, it has been possible to advance in a significant, insofar as attention has been focused on solving the problem. Conclusions: It has been possible to empower the patient insofar as she has stopped criticizing herself and seeing herself as a woman with power and with the desire to take charge of herself; emotional and economic dependence has ceased to be a constant; the evasion of problems has transformed it into affective, maternal and labor potentialities: mentally she feels fortified being able to face her ex-partner to dialogue and decide on the future of the children; she has come to conceive that self-realization depends on her and that being happy is not an idea, but a personal decision.

Keywords: Coping Strategies, Positive Reinforcement, Couple Separation, Intra-subject, Experiment


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How to Cite

Fernández Díaz, E. (2023). Positive Reinforcement in Coping with Couple Separation: Case Study, Chiclayo 2021. UCV Hacer, 12(3), 42–53. https://doi.org/10.18050/revucvhacer.v12n3a4



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