Learning styles. Its evaluation in students of the Bachelor’s degree in Artistic Education





Learning, Learning styles, CHAEA


This article addresses learning styles and their evaluation through the Honey Alonso Learning Styles Questionnaire (CHAEA) in students of the Bachelor of Arts Education, starting from a general perspective of the term learning and the classifications of learning style, to later particularize in the CHAEA as an evaluation instrument in artistic educators. This research aims to describe the learning styles of the students of the Bachelor of Arts Education, thus contributing to the improvement of the quality of the teaching-learning process. The quantitative methodology is assumed in its descriptive expression since it seeks to specify the properties, characteristics and profiles of groups that are subjected to an analysis based on the use of methods
and techniques of the theoretical and empirical level. A sample of forty-four students was selected through the intentional non-probabilistic method, who were studying at the governing center of the same; the Central University Marta Abreu de las Villas, Santa Clara, Cuba. It is considered that the CHAEA, as a learning assessment instrument, is a valid tool for determining the needs and potential of the aforementioned students.
Keywords: learning, learning styles, CHAEA


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How to Cite

Domínguez Ortiz, E., & Martínez Morales, P. Ángel. (2023). Learning styles. Its evaluation in students of the Bachelor’s degree in Artistic Education. UCV Hacer, 12(3), 19–30. https://doi.org/10.18050/revucvhacer.v12n3a2



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