The complexity of Technostress and assertiveness in professionals Peru 2023




Technostress, Assertiveness, ICT, Professionals


he present investigation seeks to determine the relationship between the complexity of Technostress and assertiveness in professionals in Peru -2023, and thus understand how work with the use of technology generates technostress and this can affect the assertive communication of employees, causing interpersonal difficulties, work and family. It was evaluated voluntarily and anonymously; A sample of 92 professionals from different careers ranging from 25 to 60 years of age belonging to the La Libertad and Huancavelica region was taken. The assertiveness test and a questionnaire were used to collect information on techno-stress. The design of this research is quantitative correlational. According to the results, it is established that there is a moderate negative relationship; therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected, accepting the alternate hypothesis. It is concluded that there is a relationship between techno-stress and assertiveness he present investigation seeks to determine the relationship between the complexity of Technostress and assertiveness in professionals in Peru -2023, and thus understand how work with the use of technology generates technostress and this can affect the assertive communication of employees, causing interpersonal difficulties, work and family. It was evaluated voluntarily and anonymously; A sample of 92 professionals from different careers ranging from 25 to 60 years of age belonging to the La Libertad and Huancavelica region was taken. The assertiveness test and a questionnaire were used to collect information on techno-stress. The design of this research is quantitative correlational. According to the results, it is established that there is a moderate negative relationship; therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected, accepting the alternate hypothesis. It is concluded that there is a relationship between techno-stress and assertiveness with a value of “rho” =-0.437 (p=0.000<0.05).

Keywords: Technostress, assertiveness, ICT, professionals


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How to Cite

Romero Reyna, J. R., Flores Marín, G., & Espinoza Polo, F. A. (2023). The complexity of Technostress and assertiveness in professionals Peru 2023. UCV Hacer, 12(3), 9–18.



Research Articles