Social imaginaries about the impact of the Ecuador—Peru binational tourism route




Desarrollo comunitario, Desarrollo económico, Desarrollo sostenible, Desarrollo rural, Desarrollo rural integrado, Turismo


The Mangahurco (Ecuador) - Casitas (Peru) binational tourism route is a project that has been developed between 2015 and 2021, and responds to the interest of promoting sustainable development in the border area. This work analyses the social imaginaries or perceptions of the inhabitants about economic development and ecotourism in these rural communities. The approach was quantitative, with a non-experimental and cross-sectional design, at a descriptive-explanatory level. The variables analysed were: a) economic development and, b) ecotourism development. A questionnaire with an ordinal scale administered through the Google form platform was used. A pilot test yielded an Alpha of 0.96. The population consisted of two groups: 144 inhabitants of Casitas - Peru, and 144 inhabitants of Mangahurco. The sampling process was non-probabilistic and purposive. Frequency, median and range were calculated. For comparison, the U-Mann Whitney – Wilcoxon test was used for independent simples (G1: Casitas, Peru; G2: Mangahurco, Ecuador). The general hypothesis was that there was a positive impact of the project on the development of rural communities. The results from the similar perceptions of both communities (U-Test > 0.05) do not fully confirm this assertion. It is evident that the communities have not improved their development indicators despite the investment made. A slight positive influence of the tourist route on ecotourism development was evident. This highlights the potential and hope for ecotourism as a development alternative.
Keywords: Community development, economic development, sustainable development, rural development,
integrated rural development, tourism.


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How to Cite

BARRIENTOS FARÍAS, W., REYES, V. M., PUESCAS CHULLY, M. A., SEQUERA MORALES , A. G., & ROJAS LUJÁN, V. W. (2022). Social imaginaries about the impact of the Ecuador—Peru binational tourism route. UCV Hacer, 11(1), 95–102.



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