Financial plan as a management tool to increase profitability in the company JM Promotora Inmobiliaria S.A.C.




Plan financiero, Rentabilidad, Gestión


The Financial Plan is a guide that allows directing the company to make appropriate decisions, which helps to increase profitability, which is why this research was titled "Financial Plan as a Management tool to increase profitability in the company JM Promotora Inmobiliaria SAC, Chiclayo-2020”. Likewise, its general objective was to propose a financial plan as a tool to increase profitability in the company JM Promotora Inmobiliaria SAC, Chiclayo - 2020, with a descriptive and purposeful type of investigation, since it seeks to diagnose the situation of the company, and then establish an action plan against the problems encountered. To obtain the data collection, two people were taken as a sample, who are the accountant and general manager, to whom the corresponding interviews were applied, the same ones that allowed determining the current situation of the company, it was also applied a documentary analysis to identify the level of profitability. The results obtained show that the level of profitability was equivalent to 4.33%, being a low result, with respect to total sales, it was also possible to diagnose JM Promotora Inmobiliaria S.A.C. It did not have a financial plan, but if the proposal were to be applied, the Net Income would increase to 10.79%Finally, it is concluded that the Financial Plan does help increase profitability by the year 2020, achieving the
desired benefits.
Keywords: Financial plan, profitability, management.


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2022-02-27 — Updated on 2022-01-20


How to Cite

BALCÁZAR PAIVA, E. S., PALOMINO PAUCAR, L. E., SULLÓN GARCÍA, M., & RÍOS CUBAS, M. A. (2022). Financial plan as a management tool to increase profitability in the company JM Promotora Inmobiliaria S.A.C. UCV Hacer, 11(1), 43–49. (Original work published February 27, 2022)



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