Transformational leadership: a contribution to the motivation of the university student




Transformational leadership, Transactional leadership, Charismatic leadership, Research


The objective of the study, raises the perspective of the qualitative analysis of the theories that support and guide the behavior of individuals in their relationship with others to achieve goals, we examined the livelihoods of the different approaches to leadership theories transactional, charismatic, which sustain the dimensions of transformational leadership. The methodology based on: Search strategy was applied, the search for scientific documents began; item selection; Analysis of data. Achieving as a result, examining the livelihoods of the different approaches to theories, similarities were found between the behaviors of the leader with respect to his followers, in parallel, with the behavior of the teacher and the university student, having as a source of inspiration the investigation. Indeed, when examining the theories of transactional and charismatic leadership, to support transformational leadership, it had its corollary, in the description of the four dimensions of Burns (1978) and of the eight dimensions of Bennis and Nanus (1985), with which, it is concluded that it is these two theories that support the new actions of teachers in their goal of motivating their students in their foray into university research.


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How to Cite

Reyna Díaz, . A. M., Montes Ninaquispe, . J. C., & Pérez Arboleda, P. A. (2021). Transformational leadership: a contribution to the motivation of the university student. UCV Hacer, 10(3), 33–41.



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