Frequency of prediabetes and risk factors in residents of a district of La Libertad, Peru 2021
prevalence, risk factors, prediabetic statusAbstract
Objective: To determine the prevalence of prediabetes and its risk factors in the residents of the Los Laureles sector of the El Porvenir-La Libertad district during the year 2021. Material and Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study of the census that included 50 people over 25 years of age during the months of July-December 2021, to whom a structured questionnaire was applied, their pressure was taken and a blood sample was requested for fasting glycemic measurement and lipid profile. Results: The prevalence of prediabetes was 20% and the frequency of risk factors were: First degree family history with Diabetes Mellitus 26%, Overweight 18%, Obesity 10%, Hypercholesterolemia 30%, LDL levels increased 28%, low levels HDL 16% and hypertriglyceridemia 28% and 22% High blood pressure. Conclusion: The prevalence of prediabetes in this human settlement was similar to that found in other investigations. The frequency of family history of DM2, elevated LDL cholesterol, obesity, overweight and arterial hypertension was lower compared to other studies; the frequency of hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia was higher than that reviewed in other investigations. Finally, only similarity was found in the amount of decreased HDL cholesterol with other studies.
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