Prevalence of sequelae in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus surviving COVID-19
Post COVID-19 syndrome, sequelae, diabetes mellitus, COVID-19Abstract
Objective: To assess whether there is an association between the prevalence of sequelae due to COVID-19 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Material and methods: Cross-sectional analytical design. A structured questionnaire, validated by experts, was applied by telephone to patients who had been discharged for at least three months, and clinical data was obtained from their medical records. An informed consent was applied. Results: 52% were male (p=0,5); the median age was 57 years (IQR: 21), and the time between discharge and interview was 9 months. The severity of COVID-19 was: moderate 51%, severe 38%, critical 9%; diabetics 23,75% (p<0,05). An association was found between general sequelae and diabetes (OR=3,04, CI95%: 1,51-6,13, p: 0,001, RPa: 2,4), followed by cardiovascular sequelae (OR=2,91, CI95%: 1,57-5,38, p: 0,000, RPa: 2,1). Of the 57 diabetics, 85,9% had sequelae due to COVID-19; and of the 183 non-diabetics, 68,3% (p: 0,009, OR: 2,84, 95% CI: 1,26-6,38, PRc: 2,32). Conclusions: The prevalence of sequelae due to COVID-19 was higher in diabetic patients than in non-diabetic patients; the most frequent type of sequelae was fatigue.
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