Fear of Covid-19 and depression in psychology students from Ica





Fear, Covid-19, depression, coronavirus, university


The aim of this research is to establish the levels and the relationship that exists between fear of coronavirus and depression in psychology students from Ica. It is non-experimental, descriptive correlational, with the participation of 157 students from the Faculty of Psychology. of Ica, the following instruments were used: Scale of fear of coronavirus (Sars-cov2)-Peruvian version and Depressive Psychopathology Scale (EDP). The results found show 78. 4% of Fear of contracting Covid-19 and 20.4% have depressive symptoms, likewise, it was found that there is a direct and highly significant relationship between both study variables, no significant differences were found according to age and sex except for the academic cycle.


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How to Cite

Chacaltana-Hernández, K. M., Bontempo Lozano, E. M. ., & Varela Guevara, S. G. . (2022). Fear of Covid-19 and depression in psychology students from Ica. PsiqueMag, 11(2), 42–49. https://doi.org/10.18050/psiquemag.v11i2.2109



Research Articles