Cognitive profile in older adults in the district of San Isidro-2018


  • Susana Milagros Huamán Retamozo Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, Lima, Perú


cognitive profile, older adult, aging, cognitive impairment


The cognitive profile was studied in a sample of 63 elderly people of a social program of the Emmanuel Bible Church in the district of San Isidro - 2018. Using a non-experimental cross-sectional design of a descriptive type, they were administered the Mini’s screening instrument. -mental State Examination MMSE, adapted by Custodio (2008). In addition, a sociodemographic survey was applied to know about the characteristics that older adults present as a reason for research. A profile of mild deterioration was found in the majority of older adults, where the dimensions of evocation, attention and calculation showed a significant decrease in cognitive function. Likewise, they presented statistically significant differences of the cognitive profile in older adults according to sex, age, educational level and marital status.


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2018-06-30 — Updated on 2018-06-30

How to Cite

Huamán Retamozo, S. M. (2018). Cognitive profile in older adults in the district of San Isidro-2018. PsiqueMag, 7(1), 25–46. Retrieved from



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