Academic stress and learning styles in Peruvian university students



Academic stress, Learning styles, SISCO


The present investigation is of a Descriptive - Correlational type of non-experimental design, the fundamental objective of which was to determine if there is a relationship between academic stress and the learning styles presented by the students of a particular university in Metropolitan Lima. The variables evaluated are academic stress that is divided into 3 subscales: physical reactions, psychologicalreactions and behavioral reactions, using the SISCO inventory of Barraza's academic stress and the Learning Styles Questionnaire of Honey and Alonso, taking 241 as a sample student. It was found that there is significant relationship between the academic stress and the theoretical style.


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How to Cite

Guzmán Robles, L. A., Llauce Vigo, C. R., & Velarde Camaqui, D. (2019). Academic stress and learning styles in Peruvian university students. PsiqueMag, 8(2), 46–54. Retrieved from



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