Capacity fitoextractora of Amaranthus hybridus L. and micorrizas in soils contam inated with heavy metals, Sector Shorey, Quiruvilca, Santiago de Chuco, La Libertad
Phytoextraction capacity, Metals, Amaranthus hybridus.L, MycorrhizaeAbstract
To evaluate the phytoextractant capacity of Amaranthus hybridus L. and mycorrhizae in soils contaminated with heavy metals from the Shorey Chico sector, Quiruvilca district, Santiago de Chuco province, La Libertad department. We worked with the quasi-experimental design, with pre-test-post test and control group. With sample of 5 representative points of soil contaminated with heavy metals. The statistical analysis method was with the IBM SPSS STATISTIC 23 Software, using the U-Mann Whitney test for non-parametric data. The determination of the concentrations of the pre-test and the post-test was performed with the method EPA-Method 200.7. In conclusion, Amaranthus hybridus L. and mycorrhizae have the ability to fitoextract seven heavy metals that contaminate the soils of the Shorey sector, which are Sb, Cd, Hg, Cu, Sn, Ce, As with -44,05%, - 42,15%, -32,14%, -17,28%, -15,67%, -13,36% and -9,12% removal, respectively, obtaining the highest phytoextraction in Sb and lowest in As, emphasize that of the seven metals remediated only three considers the ECA-Soil (DS N ° 002-2013-MINAM) that are Cd, Hg and As who have managed to reduce their concentrations but that still the Cd and As continue to contaminate the soils of the Sector Shorey.
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