Road Improvement Pueblo Libre district Cushcanday Agallpampa - Province of Otuzco - La Libertad Department


  • Belsy Lilet Núñez Sigueñas Universidad César Vallejo, Trujillo, Perú
  • Nataly Alexandra Velásquez Avalos Universidad César Vallejo, Trujillo, Perú


Foot traffic, Parameters, Gauge, Flow


The hamlets of Pueblo Libre to Cushcanday which connect in turn the villages of Ullapchan, Estancia Caballera, Independence, San Apolonio, Caballera, San Juan de Miraflores belonging to Agallpampa District are directly connected to the road of Huamachuco; currently he is meeting at the level gauge and in a bad state and it is road does not have the necessary parameters given by the Ministry of Transport and Communications; why is the need for improvement; thereby achieving not only the right transitabilidad but the increase in the sale of agricultural products and livestock as well as in tourism. Intending to the following research study according to the regulations by the Ministry of Transport and Communications, in charge of such projects consists of methodological framework within which considers the problematic reality, objectives, reference framework and identification variables, Continuing general aspects which describe the place and the current situation in the area to locate the project in the survey work done in the field and recognition area for the study of soil and quarry according to the AASHTO depicted in hydrological study took into account data provided by the National Service of Meteorology and Hydrology of Peru with it the flow to design works of art, geometric design was obtained road is obtained projected compliance with the rules of the Manual roads: geometric Design 2014, the Environmental Impact Study, where you have the basic parameters to prevent possible damage to the environment, has the technical specifications according to the action to be performed within the project, which the budget is armed to have the total cost of the project will finally give the conclusions and recommendations of the work done.



How to Cite

Núñez Sigueñas, B. L., & Velásquez Avalos, N. A. (2016). Road Improvement Pueblo Libre district Cushcanday Agallpampa - Province of Otuzco - La Libertad Department. Innovación En Ingeniería, 2(1). Retrieved from



Civil Engineering