Police information system via the web to improve decision -making in the staff of the Northern Police Region La Libertad province of Trujillo in 2015


  • Martin Rainier Alama Alvarado Universidad César Vallejo, Trujillo, Perú


Police information system via web, Decision Making, Iconix


 The investigation "Police Information System for web to improve decision-making in the staff of the Northern Police Region La Libertad province of Trujillo in 2015"; It aims to improve decision-making in the biggest from the implementation of an information system via web state. information on the problems of the police I was collected by applying the technique: observation, interviews and surveys to staff involved in the implementation of these activities, resulting in a deficiency in data collection and issuing reports based crimes under the criminal code; It was applied as a method of data analysis Student T-Test and Software development methodology Iconix. After deploying the police information system via web was able to reduce the time data collection in a 97.23% and the issuance of reports in a 86.21% execution of this program is feasible, invested capital is recovered in a within 1 year and about half. It was concluded that with the implementation of the system is achieved that the reports are issued properly, in less time and with precision and accuracy desired.


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How to Cite

Alama Alvarado, M. R. (2015). Police information system via the web to improve decision -making in the staff of the Northern Police Region La Libertad province of Trujillo in 2015. Innovación En Ingeniería, 1(1). Retrieved from https://revistas.ucv.edu.pe/index.php/innovacion/article/view/1695


