Artificial Intelligence in the Research Processes of the Physics-Mathematics and Mathematics Careers




Artificial Intelligence, Research, Problem Solving, Physics-Mathematics Careers, Mathematics, Students


The study reported in this article investigated the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in research processes within the fields of Physics-Mathematics and Mathematics. Data were collected from 78 students through questionnaires, revealing that both groups make extensive use of AI. The research found that researchers in Physics-Mathematics and Mathematics are employing artificial intelligence tools, such as machine learning and natural language processing, to analyze data, model phenomena and generate predictions, which is improving the efficiency and accuracy of their research processes. The study found no significant differences between the Physics-Mathematics and Mathematics fields in terms of the use of artificial intelligence in their research processes; Mathematics students apply it mainly in writing and solving mathematical problems, while Physics-Mathematics students use it in modeling physical systems and simulating experiments. These findings highlight the importance of AI in both careers and suggest the need for its inclusion in the curriculum to improve the training of students in these fields.


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How to Cite

Herrera Castrillo, C. J. (2024). Artificial Intelligence in the Research Processes of the Physics-Mathematics and Mathematics Careers. REVISTA EDUSER, 11(1), 17–28.



Research Articles