Analysis of the tourist potential of the district of Santo Domingo—Piura, Perú




Tourism, Natural resources, Gastronomy, Hotels


Tourism has become a source of income generation in various parts of the world, where there are endless natural resources that are not yet implemented with tourist plants to generate sustainable development and income in the locality where it is located. The objective of the study is to analyze the tourism potential (natural resources, hotels, gastronomy) of the Santo Domingo-Piura district. The analytical method focused on a descriptive design was used, for data collection an observation and analysis sheet was applied for the case of resources, lodgings and restaurants, as well as a questionnaire applied to the inhabitants. In the results of the research it was evidenced that 52% of the natural resources are in poor condition, the access roads being the most affected, in the case of lodgings, most are not registered in the tourism area and services provided are basic. It is concluded that Santo Domingo has high potential tourism resources that are not used to generate sustainable tourism development.


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How to Cite

Oviedo Rojas, F. M., Luján Vera, P. E., Lachira Estrada, D. S., Trelles Pozo, L. R., Mogollón Taboada, M. M., & Silva Juárez, R. (2021). Analysis of the tourist potential of the district of Santo Domingo—Piura, Perú. UCV Hacer, 10(1), 23–30.

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