Contributions of Textile Narrative as a Pedagogical Practice for the Construction of Peace and Historical Memory on a Small Scale




Textiles, Pedagogy, Armed conflict, Cultural resistance, Collective memory, Social development


This article explores textile narrative as an emerging pedagogical methodology in contexts marked by conflict and violence. Through initiatives such as the “memory sewing circles,” affected individuals gather to weave and embroider, using the creative act to capture painful experiences, but also as an educational tool for resistance, denunciation, and healing. These textile narratives, rooted in various cultures, facilitate the reconstruction of both individual and collective memories, strengthening cultural identity and promoting social change through creativity and collaboration. The article highlights the importance of incorporating these memory-related practices, emphasizing their potential as restorative methods that not only contribute to healing the social bonds affected by violence but also drive a pedagogical approach based on recovery, resilience, and social transformation.


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How to Cite

Cano Salazar, G. M., & Scoppetta, O. (2023). Contributions of Textile Narrative as a Pedagogical Practice for the Construction of Peace and Historical Memory on a Small Scale. UCV Hacer, 12(4), 7–16.



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