The actors in the ecosystemic management of the agricultural tourism park of Chiclayo




Leadership and adaptability of ecosystem management of the Chiclayo Agricultural Tourist Park


The purpose of the research is to validate the participation of the actors in the ecosystem management of the Chiclayo Agricultural Tourist Park; which allows the territory to be organized and developed adaptively and sustainably. The objectives are: The evaluation and characterization of the Park’s ecosystem; The identification of the variables of driving forces, pressures, state, impacts and responses of the Park’s ecosystem; as well as the comprehensive modeling of the Park’s ecosystem. The research method is the characterization of the Park in the natural physical, urban physical and demographic aspects. socioeconomic and cultural; using the UNEP GEO Cities methodology (2008), the variables of Driving Forces, Pressures, State, Impacts and Responses The most important results demonstrate that the coordinated action of the actors of the Ecosystem Management of the Park has. A comprehensive approach with resilience and adaptability characteristics will promote the change from the state of conservation in Decline to the state of Reorganization with New Growth; Such a situation highlights the traditional agricultural and artisanal work of the population and guides the orderly and sustainable occupation of tourism and cultural activities.


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How to Cite

Arbulu Chereque, E. P. R., Gamarra Gonzáles, J. del R., & Terry Ramos, M. R. (2024). The actors in the ecosystemic management of the agricultural tourism park of Chiclayo. UCV Hacer, 13(1), 30–42.



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