Quality of care and work stress in the “Wichanzao” Maternal and Child Center - The Hope
Medical staff, Patient, “Wichanzao” Maternal and Child Center, Work stressAbstract
This research aims to determine the quality of care perceived by patients and the level of work stress in health personnel at the “Wichanzao” Maternal and Child Health Center - La Esperanza. According to the qualitative methodology, two tests were used for data collection, under the survey technique: the Hamilton Test and the Health System User Satisfaction Survey, applied to 80 health workers and 360 patients, respectively. It was found that 78.8% of health personnel present moments of bad mood and 56.3% of them, poor quality of sleep. This implies that a significant percentage of patients (45%) perceive the quality of care in said establishment as “regular”. Finally, it was concluded that the higher levels of stress experienced by workers in the health sector, the lower levels of satisfaction, and therefore, lower quality perceived by patients regarding the care received.
Keywords: Medical staff, patient, “Wichanzao” Maternal and Child Center, work stress.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Gabriela del Rocío Gasco Tarrillo, Wandy Coral Cervera Delgado, Jhade Alexandra Effio Sing, Fiorela Mendoza Lazaro, Tatiana Solansh Sáenz Poemape, Evelyn Cyndi Vilca Paredes, Jhoseline Stayce Guillén Sánchez
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