Factors that influence the process of learning the foreign language English in adult population of SENA apprentices
Proceso de aprendizaje, Lengua extranjera, TIC, Población adulta, Aprendices SENAAbstract
The objective of this research is to establish some of the factors that influence the learning process of the English foreign language in adult apprentices of the program of Technician in Pharmaceutical Services of the Center of Commerce and Services of the SENA (National Service of Learning) Tolima Regional through a qualitative approach, with a descriptive type of study, having as an instrument of data collection the semi-structured interview. The analysis of the qualitative data was carried out through categorization, where we initially worked with the information provided by each subject to later carry out a comparative analysis for each of the research categories, where the importance of the teacher's role (motivation, confidence building, among others) and the strategy in teaching English as a foreign language to adults was evidenced.
Keywords: Lear ning pr ocess, for eign language, ICT, adult population, SENA appr entices.
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