Rutas para la Ciudadanía Digital de Adolescentes en Situación de Vulnerabilidad Social
Competência midiática, Recursos tecnológicos, Protagonismo juvenil, Agenda 2030, Inclusão digital, LeituraAbstract
The objective of this article is to reflect on the ways to promote digital citizenship of young people in a situation of social and technological vulnerability, participants in a social project in a Civil Social Organization (OSC), in southern Brazil. It is understood that the use of technological resources They are mediators for the development of media skills in the promotion of digital citizenship. That being said, the stock research is based on data collection from Citizenship and Securities stores. for adolescents and selective bibliographical research methodology on the topics: competencies media, information skills, technological resources, Agenda 2030. that the use of technological resources promoted positive impacts from which the participants became into autonomous subjects, protagonists of their own stories, capable of being recognized in society by their actions and positive attitudes, providing opportunities for improvement in living conditions. Keywords: Media competence, technological resources, youth leadership, Agenda 2030, digital inclusion, reading.References
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