Virtual environment for ubiquitous learning of the english language based on projects




enguas extr anjer as, apr endizaje móvil, Apr endizaje Basado en Pr oyectos (APB), aprendizaje activo, aprendizaje en adultos, Ambientes Virtuales de Aprendizaje (AVAs).


This document presents a proposal for the design of a mobile application for the active learning of the
English language in initial level adult students of a continuing education program. In this virtual
environment, the four language skills are integrated from project-based learning. In the first place, the
population and its training needs are described, as well as the theoretical references. Secondly, the
characterization of the application in its technical and pedagogical aspects is presented. Finally, the
contribution of this proposal for educational innovation is discussed.

Keywords: For eign languages, mobile lear ning, Pr oject Based Lear ning (APB), active lear ning, adult
learning, Virtual Learning Environments (AVAs).


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How to Cite

CASTELBLANCO BARRERA, J. V., GUAYARA ORTIZ, D. C., & ROZO BECERRA, D. C. (2023). Virtual environment for ubiquitous learning of the english language based on projects. UCV Hacer, 12(1), 65–74.



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