A systematic review of the scientific literature
Engagement académico, Compromiso académico, Utrecht Work Engagement ScaleAbstract
his research seeks to analyze the Academic Engagement variable, conducting a systematic review of the scientific literature in the last 5 years, based on the PRISMA method, selecting articles published in international and national indexed journals; resulting in a total of 20 articles that address the variable in journals indexed between the years 2017 to 2021, of which 75% extracted from the SCOPUS database, 80% locate the construct “academic engagement” as a keyword, 40% their design is instrumental, 30.78% use the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-9S) instrument, and 90% are based on the three-dimensional theoretical approach: vigor, absorption and dedication of Schaufeli & Bakker (2003), where the highest production lies in Spain with 45%, concluding that it is a variable that deserves to be studied in the national context and for this to have a duly validated instrument for higher-level students.
Keywords: Academic engagement, academic engagement, Utrecht Work Engagement Scale.
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