Inclusive education as an alternative for the education of sexuality in the training of the educational psychologist in Cuba




Educación inclusiva, Formación del psicopedagogo, Educación de la sexualidad, Enfoque integral de la educación sexual


omprehensive sexual education refers to the need for its inclusive, equitable and diverse nature. The university, like the rest of the educations, is characterized by the diversity of the students and the faculty that integrate it. It constitutes a fundamental challenge to care for everyone, taking into account the individualities that characterize their personality without exclusion reasons, to achieve the effectiveness of education in this context. The objective is to argue the effectiveness of inclusive education for sexuality education. As a result, criteria are proposed for the achievement of inclusive university education and
sexuality education in the training of the educational psychologist in Cuba, taking into account the challenges and opportunities of inclusion and the need for its practice based on the acceptance of differences as potentiality.

Keywords: Inclusive education, educational psychologist tr aining, sexuality education, comprehensive approach to sex education.


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How to Cite

MOSQUEDA PADRÓN, L., DIAZ CANTILLO, C., & RIVAS AVILA, Y. (2023). Inclusive education as an alternative for the education of sexuality in the training of the educational psychologist in Cuba. UCV Hacer, 12(1), 41–48.



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