Comparison of quarry properties for subbase an base in the city of Juliaca




Estudio, Material, Granular, Estructura, Pavimento


The city of Juliaca is expanding more and more, interfering with the urban organization while new streets and highways are being built, for which it will be necessary to quarry the materials for the base and subbase. The objective of the study is to determine the quarries that meet the specifications of the EG-2013 in the physical and mechanical properties for subbase and base in pavements. The methodology used was the applied type, of non-experimental design, expressed in an applicative level of qualitative approach. The results of the Mucra quarry, the grain size was type B gradation; I do not present consistency limits; in fractured faces of 2 or more it is 37.8%; in flat and elongated particles of 1'' it is 0.34%; sand equivalent was 35%; wear resistance (abrasion) was 18.6% and CBR 70% at 1''. From the Taparachi quarry, the granulometry did not comply with the gradations, the plastic index is 18%; in fractured faces of 2 or more it is 42.4%; in flat and elongated particles of 1” it is 1.01%; sand equivalent was 34%; wear resistance (abrasion) was 19.1%; CBR 41.5% at 1'', the combination of quarry in proportions of 75% Mucra and 25% Taparachi did not improve its properties. In conclusion, the Mucra and Taparachi quarries met the CBR
specifications being 70% and 41.5% for a sub-base, but did not meet for a base, as a proposed combination of the quarries as a result of the CBR of 53% could not improve for a base.
Keywords: Research, material, granular, structure, pavement.


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How to Cite

MAMANI TORRES, . T. V., & ANDÍA ARIAS, J. Y. (2022). Comparison of quarry properties for subbase an base in the city of Juliaca. UCV Hacer, 11(2), 89–99.



Research Articles