Sharing economy in South America. A Systematic Review




Economía colaborativa, Consumo colaborativo, Producción colaborativa, Aprendizaje colaborativo, Finanzas colaborativas


The collaborative economy is the exchange of goods and services between members of a community, generally facilitated by technology. Experts argue that there are four clear types of collaborative economy: collaborative consumption, collaborative production, collaborative learning, and collaborative finance. This research posed the following research problem: what is the scientific evidence on the application of the collaborative economy in South America published in the Scielo and Redalyc databases in the last three years, and specifically, what basic groups of collaborative economy were alluded to, what types of business were analyzed, under what methodological approach are they studied, and finally, where in South America are the models of collaborative economy studied? Through a systematic review, it was possible to answer these research problems and fulfill the research objectives. Fifteen scientific articles were found, of which fourteen refer to collaborative consumption, one to collaborative production, and none to collaborative learning or collaborative finance from a purely business point of view. Similarly, the vast majority of the evidence obtained alludes to the hosting business (seven cases), is approached from the qualitative approach (ten cases), and details experiences in Brazil (eleven cases).
Keywords: Collaborative economy, collaborative consumption, collaborative production, collaborative learning,
collaborative finance, collaborative finance.


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How to Cite

ORTÍZ PALOMINO, M. E., & FERNÁNDEZ BEDOYA, V. H. (2022). Sharing economy in South America. A Systematic Review. UCV Hacer, 11(1), 35–42.



Research Articles