Pedagogical model based in social abilities for the development of the critical and creative thinking in university students




Modelo pedagógico, Habilidades sociales, Pensamiento crítico, Pensamiento creativo


This research had like the main objective to design a pedagogical model based in social abilities for the development of the critical and creative thinking of the students from the 2nd cycle in a private university. To obtain that, it was necessary to adopt basic research, and a mixed research approach. It was employed the survey technique, and it was employed like a tool the questionnaire about the critical and creative thinking and social abilities that was directed to the student’s participants in the research and another questionnaire applied to the professors in relation with the same study variables. It was employed the
interview technique which was applied just to the professors of the students. After the application of the tools the students were located in the three levels of the critical and creative thinking: high, medium and low, and in the medium level most of the students were placed, according to the development of the critical and creative thinking. Finally, it is concluded that the  pedagogical model in social abilities is a necessary pedagogical tool that makes better the development of the critical and creative thinking.
Keywords: Pedagogical model, social abilities, critical and creative thinking.


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2021-12-28 — Updated on 2021-12-13


How to Cite

TIRABANTI QUIROZ, M. P. (2021). Pedagogical model based in social abilities for the development of the critical and creative thinking in university students. UCV Hacer, 10(4), 79–89. (Original work published December 28, 2021)



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