Dynamics of the 10-year trade exchange of the Peru-China free trade agreement





Tratado de Libre Comercio Perú-China, Exportaciones Perú-China, Importaciones Perú-China, Balanza comercial Perú-China, Intercambio comercial Perú-China


On March 1, 2010, the free trade agreement (FTA) between China and Peru came into force, at 10 years the FOB value exported from Peru amounts to 99.38 billion dollars, representing 21.9% of total exports, at a rate of 8.4% annual average growth, well above the average growth of total Peruvian exports (1.7%). On the other hand, total imports in CIF value reached 93.01 billion dollars, 21.6% of the total imported by Peru in that period, having an average annual growth of 12.1%, much higher than the total average of imports made by Peru (5.7%).
Keywords: Peru-China Free Trade Agreement, Peru-China Exports, Peru-China Imports, Peru-China Trade Balance, Peru-China Trade Exchange.


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2021-10-06 — Updated on 2021-12-21


How to Cite

PANTALEÓN SANTA MARÍA, A. L., MEDINA CARDOZO, I. I., & MONTES NINAQUISPE, . J. C. (2021). Dynamics of the 10-year trade exchange of the Peru-China free trade agreement. UCV Hacer, 10(4), 37–43. https://doi.org/10.18050/RevUCVHACER.v10n4a3 (Original work published October 6, 2021)



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