Evaluation of air quality regarding particles less than 10 microns (PM10 ), in the city of Trujillo, during the months april–july, 2018
Particulate material, PM10, Air qualityAbstract
The main objective of this research is to evaluate air quality with respect to particles smaller than 10 microns (PM10) in the city of Trujillo, as part of a descriptive study to characterize air quality. For which, the dispositions and methodology established in the National Protocol of Air Quality and Data Management approved by the Directorate General of Environmental Health - DIGESA, whose criteria allowed to locate in the city of Trujillo 7 sampling points were taken into account representative for the measurement of particulate material (PM10). The PM10 sampling was performed under the low volume method with the use of a fine powder environmental sampler, Instrumex IPM-FDS 2.5μ /10μ, collecting the sample for a period of 24 hours for 3 consecutive days for each point of sampling. For the analysis of the sample, the gravimetric method was used, determining for each sampling point, where the following concentrations of PM10 were obtained: Jirón Francisco Pizarro No. 412 is 53.86 μg / m3; Av. Prolongación Vallejo s/n (La Rinconada Recreational Center) is 78.19 μg / m3 ; Av. Salvador Lara Mz. R Lot - 34 is 53.76 μg / m3; Av. Los Incas No. 405 is 46.40 μg / m3; Av. Víctor Larco Herrera No. 13009 is 69.95 μg / m3; Sta. Teresa de Jesús Street No. 513 - Monserrate is 23.28 μg / m3 and Mz. E Lot 17 - Urb. Los Jazmines is 15.38 μg / m3 .Therefore, it was concluded from the evaluation that the concentrations of PM10 at each sampling point are below the Environmental Quality Standard for Air (100 μg / m3) for a period of 24 hours as established in the Supreme Decree. No. 003-2017-MINAM in force at the time of the study, so that air quality in the city of Trujillo is acceptable; result contrary to the Evaluation, was found for PM10 concentrations for the sampling points of Jirón Francisco Pizarro No. 412; Av. Prolongación Vallejo s/n (La Rinconada Recreational Center); Av. Salvador Lara Mz. R Lot - 34 and Av. Víctor Larco Herrera No. 13009, which exceed the threshold concentration of PM10 (50 μg / m3) established by the World Health Organization (WHO 2018).
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