Preliminary psychometric analyses of the adult manifest anxiety scale (amas-a) in a sample of adults from lima


  • Lidia Sotelo L. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú
  • Noemí Sotelo L. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú
  • Sergio Dominguez L. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú
  • Oscar Padilla T. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú


Anxiety, Psychometric properties, Reliability, Validity


Were analyzed the psychometric properties of theAdult ManifestAnxiety Scale (AMAS-A) in a sample of Lima adults, men and women, of ages between 18 and 60 years. The objective of the study was to obtain validity evidences that support their use in adult population. Were acceptable indicators of reliability through method of internal consistency (KR20), and was obtained a coefficient of .86 for the totalsample, de .89 for the male sample and .819 for the female sample, as well as evidence of validity of content by means of the V of Aiken and factorial validity (parsimonious and coherent factorial structure). Were obtained three factors that explain the 37.42% of the variance. In this context, theAdult Manifest Anxiety Scale counts on goods psychometric propertiesto continue validation studies.



How to Cite

Sotelo L., L., Sotelo L., N., Dominguez L., S., & Padilla T., O. . (2012). Preliminary psychometric analyses of the adult manifest anxiety scale (amas-a) in a sample of adults from lima. Revista De Psicología (Trujillo), 14(1), 31–46. Retrieved from