Changes in contraception after intervention of an information, education and training project without letters (IEC) in rural areas of the Peruvian jungle




Iinformation, Education, Cmmunication, Ffertility, Contraceptives


Objectives: To determine the variation of fertility and the use of contraceptive methods in a population intervened by the project promotion and training without letters in reproductive health (IEC without letters) with a gender perspective. Design: Impact Study. Place: Native areas of the Peruvian jungle, Pebas, Yanashi, Pucaurquillo and Santo Tomás. Institution: Inppares. Participants: users of reproductive health services in health facilities, illiterate or semi-illiterate (20 and 35 years old). Interventions. 3 years of intervention with Inppares IEC strategies throughout the area. Procedures: Personal interview. Material and Methods: Study by survey. Statistic analysis. Contingency tables and bar graph pre and post-intervention. Results: The use of contraceptive methods was 76 percent of the users, the Pucaurquillo sector is the one with the highest prevalence of method use (92.9%), and Santo Tomás (52.9%). 76 percent of the users in the four study sectors use some method, previously only 65 did. Contrasting the final data, it was found that the most used method is Depoprovera (68.6%), which has increased regarding the baseline (23.2%); the pill that slightly increases its coverage (from 21.6 to 25%), and the other methods show little relevant changes. Conclusion: Three-quarters of the interviewees who go to reproductive health services have the Injectable and the pill as the most widely used method. Regarding continuity, it was observed that more than half of the users continue with the contraceptive method they started, while a third of them changed to another.


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How to Cite

Alzamora de los Godos Urcia, L. ., Calderón-Saldaña, J. ., & Aspilcueta-Gho, D. . (2021). Changes in contraception after intervention of an information, education and training project without letters (IEC) in rural areas of the Peruvian jungle. Vallejian Medical Journal, 10(2), 9–20.



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