The problem of language and legal writing in judicial writings




The objective of this article was to analyze the problem of language and legal writing in writings from an orthographic and grammatical perspective that several lawyers —currently— seem to have forgotten. Likewise, to establish the differences that exist in the Legal Language and Legal Writing courses, since many lawyers consider that it is the same or that only templates should be written and this is not the case. In this sense, information and specialized bibliography on these subjects were reviewed in order to understand this problem and know how to differentiate both subjects. Finally, it is concluded that lawyers must learn to write their writings not only from the procedural approach, but in an elementary and mandatory way, from the spelling and grammatical approach, since many are unaware of the current spelling rules.


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How to Cite

Misari Torpoco, D. E. ., & Bajonero Manrique, M. I. . . (2023). The problem of language and legal writing in judicial writings. Regunt, 3(1), 54–62.



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