A systematic review regarding the effectiveness of compliance with food responsibilities in favor of the child or adolescent





The non-compliance with the obligation to provide child support entails a problem which means that many minors are harmed, since food covers the basic needs of the child and adolescent.

The objective was to investigate how in the event of non-compliance with food responsibility, the sanctions become effective, it should be noted that, in Peru, food is an essential right for the minor, according to the needs that this requires, for this the obligated He is the one who must fulfill his responsibility.

The methodology was a structured bibliographic review with a qualitative approach, with a multimodal design of phenomenographic thematic analysis from 30-50 articles from the open access databases of Scielo, Scopus, Wos, performing a search from the prism method, using the hybrid inductive- deductive. The sampling was non-probabilistic, with inclusion and exclusion criteria from a systematic review of articles found in the database of scientifically rigorous indexed journals, only in Spanish, with a ten-year history.

The results and discussion indicate that, in various parts of Latin America, they fail to provide food, since various factors arise, which makes the obligor fail to comply with their food responsibility.

Finally, it is concluded that, based on the analysis of the problem raised, in many situations the sanctions imposed on the obligor after failing to comply with their duty to provide food to the minor are not complied with. For this, it is necessary that the sanctions be carried out correctly, so that children and adolescents are not harmed in their development and well-being.


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How to Cite

Hernandez Reyes , A. K., Ugaldez León, E. Y., & Talavera Cubas, M. A. . (2023). A systematic review regarding the effectiveness of compliance with food responsibilities in favor of the child or adolescent. Regunt, 3(1), 36–44. https://doi.org/10.18050/regunt.v3i1.03



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