A systematic review of Family Violence from the perspective of the Right to Education





Family violence is a social problem, which is mainly affected by children, since this type of violence is exercised by parents towards their children, who are affected in various aspects of their lives, especially in their education.
The objective was to conduct a systematic review of family violence from the perspective of the right to education, in order to investigate how family violence hinders the adequate development of the right to education in children, in this context Peru regulates various laws, such as Law No. 30364 and Law No. 30862, The purpose of which is to manage policies that prevent and punish acts of violence, thus hoping for greater effectiveness of the protection measures that are provided to people who are victims of family violence.
The methodology was a structured bibliographic review with a qualitative approach, with a multimodal design of phenomenographic thematic analysis from 22 articles of the bases Scopus, Scielo, Wos and open access, using the hybrid inductive-deductive method.
The sampling was non-probabilistic, with inclusion and exclusion criteria from a systematic review of articles found in the database of indexed journals of scientific rigor, in the Spanish and English languages, with an age of ten years.
The results and discussion indicate that this problem is a worrying and alarming figure for the whole society, since there are high rates of family violence, having a cause-effect link directly with the right to education.
It is concluded that family violence does harm the right to education, since it causes physical and psychological damage, which greatly harm children, bringing as its main consequence a low school performance, it is therefore important the timely intervention of the Peruvian State and society as a whole.


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How to Cite

Amambal Abanto, M. E. ., & Lozano Terán, N. del C. . (2023). A systematic review of Family Violence from the perspective of the Right to Education. Regunt, 3(1), 9–18. https://doi.org/10.18050/regunt.v3i1.01



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