Public investment for the development of Provias decentralized transport infrastructure in the Cajamarca Region, 2020-2022




improvements in public policies for transport connectivity, budget execution, Monitoring and evaluation, transparency in accountability


The general objective was to analyze how public investment favors the development of decentralized transport infrastructure in the Cajamarca region, between the years 2020 and 2022. The basic type methodology was considered, with a qualitative approach and that is consistent with basic dogmatic studies. The interviewees agree that there must be a good qualification when hiring a good study formulator during the pre-investment stages, preparation of the technical file and execution of the work. Therefore, it is essential to ensure the completion of the work and the fulfillment of the objectives. For this reason, it was concluded that the adequate execution of the work is vital and it is very important that the formulator has experience and capacity for the development of the technical file; In this way, there will be no setbacks in the execution of the project, added to the importance that the elaboration of the technical file is optimal and that the execution is carried out in the scheduled time with the goals achieved.


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How to Cite

Alcalá Rodríguez, C. G. ., Rojas Yacha, E. L. ., Corpancho Carhuaz, J. C. ., & Cueva Quezada , N. I. (2023). Public investment for the development of Provias decentralized transport infrastructure in the Cajamarca Region, 2020-2022. Regunt, 2(2), 20–35.



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