Management skills in health establishments in Lima, 2022




technical competence, methodological competence, social competence, participatory competence, professional competence


In the research entitled "Management competencies in health establishments in Lima, 2022" aimed to determine the influence of managerial competencies and their influence on the continuous improvement of health establishments in Lima, the research method was basic, with a design descriptive - explanatory, with the participation of 384 health professionals from Lima, from different health establishments in different districts of the capital city, to whom the questionnaire was applied for the variables of managerial competencies and their influence on improvement continuous, both variables being validated by an expert judgment (both were consistent and applicable to the experts) and were shared virtually – Google form. The reliability was applied through the coefficient of the two halves of Gutman and through the information of the data obtained by the statistician, which have a good level of reliability of value 0.891 for the independent variable managerial skills and 0.749 for the dependent variable. continuous improvement. According to the results, it has been shown that the goodness of fit to demonstrate the influence of one of the variables and through the significance value for the goodness of fit according to the likelihood was p = 0.000 and is less than alpha; therefore, the statistical model used indicates that both variables are associated, adjusting to the statistical analysis.


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How to Cite

Corpancho Carhuaz, J. C. ., Alcalá Rodríguez, C. G. ., & Rojas Yacha, E. L. . (2023). Management skills in health establishments in Lima, 2022. Regunt, 2(2), 9–19.



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