Labor competencies and labor market insertion in higher technical education students
job skills, job placement, employabilityAbstract
This article had the objective of finding the relationship between labor competencies and labor insertion in technical education students, for this purpose a non-experimental design was used basic type correlational level, it was cross-sectional, the questionnaire was used as an instrument and Google forms as a means to carry out the survey, for reliability Crombach’s Alpha was used and for reliability to specialist instrument validators, for data analysis and processing SPSS Stadistic 2 6 was used and for the search and processing of information it was searched or through the databases of Scopus, Web Of Science (WOS), Scielo, Dialnet and other bases of different universities, and for the collection of information the Mendeley tool was used which facilitated the referencing and style of the research that gave the following results; there is a correlation of low level between the two variables in mention with a Rho (0.357) which indicates that we still need to strengthen the competencies in the students and the achievement of this would benefit a better labor insertion.
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