Prior knowledge, pedagogical mediation and learning in in the management of university education




prior knowledge, teaching, learning


University education corresponds to the tertiary level and is oriented to the training of competent professionals with mastery of the hard skills of the specialty and soft skills for success in their professional performance, during the professionalization process all the experiences that they bring and that influenced the choice of the career should be taken advantage of. Learning requires previous knowledge and teacher mediation; however, there is a tendency to promote teaching with little pedagogical guidance due to constructivist orientations on student autonomy and there are few studies showing the results of such educational practices. The present research aims to demonstrate that the levels of pedagogical mediation have different effects on learning outcomes according to the levels of prior knowledge. The research design is quasi-experimental, with a sample of 26 university students of intact group, from which experimental and control groups were formed with random assignment. Both groups had their level of prior knowledge measured before the experiment, then, only the experimental group was provided with high pedagogical mediation and the control group acted as a control. The results show that students with low prior knowledge are impaired with low levels of mediation; whereas, in students with high prior knowledge, the levels of mediation have no significant effect.


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How to Cite

Orbegoso Dávila, L. A. ., & Ledesma Pérez, F. E. . (2023). Prior knowledge, pedagogical mediation and learning in in the management of university education. Regunt, 2(1), 17–28.