Resilience and coping styles in patients cardiovascular disease in an EsSalud hospital in Lima



resilience, styles, confrontation, cardiovascular


This research aims to establish the relationship between resilience and styles of confrontations in cardiovascular patients of an Essalud hospital in Lima. The research was non-experimental and cross-sectional, the sample consisted of 108 hospitalized patients. For the measurement of the study variables, the Waglind Young Resilience Scale (ER) and the stress coping modes (COPE) questionnaire were used. The results show there is a significant correlation between the variable resilience and coping styles. Furthermore, it was found that cardiovascular patients have an average level of resilience and the most used coping style by these patients focuses on the problem, and the most commonly used strategy is to lean on religion.


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How to Cite

Vallejos Saldarriaga, . J., & Obregón Blas, S. G. (2017). Resilience and coping styles in patients cardiovascular disease in an EsSalud hospital in Lima. PsiqueMag, 6(1), 211–218. Retrieved from



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