Teaching inclusive artistic practices with educational communities





pedagogical-didactic competence, non-experimental design, theoretical-practical guidelines


This research was to analyze the role of the teacher in teaching the inclusive artistic practices of students with Colombian educational communities. The positivist paradigm was developed, using the quantitative method, non-experimental, field transsectal design. The population consists of fifty-one subjects of the career Children’s Pedagogy and Special Education of the University of Pamplona (Colombia), applying a population census. The questionnaire instrument, counted of twenty-seven items, with alternatives: Always, Almost always, Sometimes, Rarely and Never, the validity was made through seven experts, a pilot test was applied to twelve subjects, with characteristics similar to the population selected in the study obtaining rkk 0.794. It highlighted the role as a builder of knowledge exercised by the teacher in the teaching of artistic practices integrating with Colombian educational communities, achieving high mastery. Pedagogical-didactic competence, have very high dominance in students, while exerting influence from other social cultures linked to the community environment of the educated, which helps to reconstruct cultural content and the discussion of community artistic experiences, has a moderate domain to achieve the entrenchment of aesthetic creation and the development of communication, community socialization, allowing to determine the role fulfilled by the teacher tends to be low-mastery. Theoretical-practical guidelines were established for the teaching of student-integrating artistic practices with Colombian educational communities.


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How to Cite

Jiménez-Pitre, I. ., Jaramillo Ramírez, O. L. ., & Molina-Bolívar, G. . (2021). Teaching inclusive artistic practices with educational communities. Espergesia, 8(2), 32–41. https://doi.org/10.18050/rev.espergesia.v8i2.845