Effects of the ‘Special Period’ on Cuban Cinema in the 1990s





This study explored Cuban cinema of the 1990s, focusing on how films produced during the Special Period reflected the tensions and transformations within Cuban society. Cinema became a vehicle to address political, social, and cultural issues, utilizing cinematic narrative to offer a unique perspective on identity and everyday life during a period of profound change. The intended purpose was to comprehend how Cuban cinema of the 90s functioned as an artistic expression and a reflection on Cuban reality. Additionally, to elucidate how the films captured the duality between nostalgia for the past and a pessimistic perception of the present, while tackling subjects such as migration, the elderly, and human relationships in times of crisis. The conclusions reveal that Cuban cinema of the 90s challenged conventional expectations by addressing controversial themes and questioning political authority. Despite budgetary constraints, films like ‘Strawberry and Chocolate’ and ‘Guantanamera’ transcended national boundaries, resonating with global audiences and demonstrating cinema’s influence as an agent of social change. These films offered an authentic and nuanced look at Cuban reality, showcasing how adverse circumstances can inspire creativity and artistic expression while exploring and expressing the changing and challenging realities of the country.

Keywords: Cuban cinema; 1990s; Special Period; Cuban society; ICAIC.


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How to Cite

Tornés Bernal, M., Díaz Rodríguez, Y., Pupo Osorio, C. A., & Torres Barrero, L. . (2023). Effects of the ‘Special Period’ on Cuban Cinema in the 1990s. Espergesia, 10(1), 117–132. https://doi.org/10.18050/rev.espergesia.v10i1.2632