“Oh, mysterious pulse”. César Vallejo’s poetic creation





poetic conception, creative process, Cesar Vallejo, Endren Ady


The study examines Cesar Vallejo’s poetic conception based on the word –central trope of the text– and not so much on the concept. According to our hypothesis, in addition to conventional biographical-referential readings and metaphorical readings of universal emotions or the human condition, any one of Trilce’s 77 pieces can also be interpreted as paradigmatic representation of the poetic conception of the author. It is attempted to explore the transformation of the poetic sign of the biographical reference to the representation of the creative process itself and so, to the genesis of a new poetic subject. To illustrate this hypothesis, Trilce’s XLIV and XLV poems will primarily be focused on. In the analysis, attention will be drawn to some parallels between the poetics of the Peruvian poet and two of his Hungarian contemporaries of the early twentieth century, Endre Ady and Attila József.



How to Cite

Menczel, G. . (2015). “Oh, mysterious pulse”. César Vallejo’s poetic creation. Espergesia, 1(1), 6–14. https://doi.org/10.18050/rev.espergesia.v2i1.647



Literary Articles