Study of gross and fine psychomotor skills in 5-year-old children of the I.E.P. Salesiano Trujillo, 2019




psychomotor, gross, fine, infant, movement


The present research entitled “Study of gross and fine psychomotor skills in 5 year-old children of I.E.P. Salesiano Trujillo, 2019” is mainly based on evaluating the children’s body movements through observation, using the preschool psychomotor development scale as an evaluation instrument, with the objective of determining the level of fine and gross psychomotor skills in the students. In addition, it is considered of great importance to cover the subject of psychomotor skills, since they are fundamental in the development of children, including the ability to experiment, touch, observe, express, curiosity, communicate, invent, and discover. It presents a descriptive study and non-experimental design; with a population of 50 5-year-old children; for data collection, a preschool psychomotor evaluation scale measuring instrument was applied. The result in gross psychomotor skills was 52% in static body mastery of regular level, and in fine psychomotor skills, it was 94% in hand-eye coordination. Therefore, it is concluded that the children have skills and abilities that allow them to adequately achieve the different psychomotor skills.



How to Cite

Lecca Velasquez, K. H. . (2023). Study of gross and fine psychomotor skills in 5-year-old children of the I.E.P. Salesiano Trujillo, 2019. Cientifi-K, 8(1), 37–56.




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