Noise pollution in traffic and vehicular congestion along public transport lines


  • Marita Dafne Layza Cueva Universidad César Vallejo, Perú
  • Danny Sorel Mejía Ardo Universidad César Vallejo, Perú



Vehicle traffic, Vehicle congestion, Noise pollution


An analysis of the relationship between traffic and vehicular congestion with high levels of vehicular noise on saturated roads in the district of Trujillo is presented. We worked with a non-experimental design and correlational scope. Noise levels were measured at 10 strategic points on each saturated road using a Type I sound level meter and simultaneously information was collected on traffic and vehicle congestion. Measurement days were from Monday to Friday, during the rush hour from 12:00 - 2:00 pm. Regarding the noise pollution variable, Pedro Muñís Avenue presented the highest noise levels, whereas the highest traffic and vehicle congestion corresponds to Víctor Larco Avenue. The analysis of the results was carried out through the Pearson´s correlation test, from which it was concluded that regarding the relationship between traffic and vehicle congestion with noise pollution, 30% of stretches studied have a direct and significant relationship, followed by another 30% of sections that have a direct and significant relationship, but only between the variables of traffic and noise pollution.


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How to Cite

Layza Cueva, M. D., & Mejía Ardo, D. S. (2018). Noise pollution in traffic and vehicular congestion along public transport lines. Cientifi-K, 6(1), 30–35.



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