Análisis comparativo de macronutrientes entre el yogurt elaborado con extracto de Lupinus mutabilis “tarwi”, y el yogurt artesanal e industrializado
Yogurt de “tarwi”, Lupinus mutabilis, Método Sorensen, Método de Fehling, Método SoxhletAbstract
The present investigation is of a simple descriptive non-experimental design, it was carried out with the purpose of comparing the proteins, lipids and carbohydrates of three types of yogurts which were: yogurt made with extract of “tarwi” or “chocho” Lupinus mutabilis from of the District of Buldibuyo of the Province of Pataz, Department of La Libertad; industrial and artisan yogurt. The analysis of the results was carried out in the SSPS version 26 program, Excell, through descriptive statistical parameters such as mean and standard deviation. For the determination of protein content, the Sorensen method was used, finding 5,18 ± 0,01% for Tarwi extract yogurt, 3,55 ± 0,56% for industrial and 4,08 ± 0,02% for the artisan; for the determination of carbohydrates, the Fehling method was used, finding 9,31 ± 0,02% for the “tarwi” extract yogurt; 10,11 ± 0,09% for industrial and 9,92 ± 0,02% for artisanal; for the determination of lipids the Soxhlet method was used, finding 1,78 ± 0,02% for the tarwi extract yogurt, 2,74 ± 0,04% for the industrial one and 1,56 ± 0,03% for the artisan yogurt, it is concluded that the yogurt of “tarwi” extract is a product with a high percentage of protein, unlike artisanal and industrial yogurt.
Keywords: “Tarwi” yogurt, Lupinus mutabilis, Sorensen method, Fehling method, Soxhlet method
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